The Little Things in Life
It's the little things in life, those aha moments, that are awesome.
Approaching a red light as it turns green.
A person holding the door for you.
Butterflies in your stomach.
The smell of fresh coffee.
A child's laugh.
The first chip from a freshly opened bag.
A wink from the one you love across the room.
Stopping the microwave at 00:01 sec.
The touch of velvet.
Finding loose money in your pocket.
A mother's hug.
The perfect ratio of rasins, chocolate, and peanuts in trail mix.
The roar of the ocean.
Turning the clock back an hour.
A soldier's salute.
The steam from a clean dishwasher when it hits your face.
A delivered letter from a long lost friend.
An intimate night on a rooftop bar.
Knowing your blessed with the life you're given.
Pure awesomeness.