Little Hell
There's a lot of things that don't make sense
Like how it's possible for bumble bees to fly
Or why we learn cursive as children
Or why Chipotle charges $1.50 for guacamole
There's a lot of things that are hard to handle
Like failing a test
Or your boyfriend dumping you
Or those days when you just don't feel pretty
I thought those things were hard to handle
Until I saw him crying
Over the death of his best friend
Nothing was as nonsensical
As the first time a friend died
Especially him
Someone who had come so far from the darkest of times
Someone who gave meaning to the phrase "turn your life around"
He reached up his hands and pulled himself out of that little hell they call addiction
Was it really all for nothing?
Is everything all for nothing?
It's not fair
He finally got better
Is this my fault
Why my best friend
Why me
"You know they say that opiate addicts always have the biggest hearts"
Why didn't you reach your holy hand down and pick up a thief, a rapist
Plants are supposed to die
Dogs are supposed to die
Grandma is supposed to die
Best friends are not supposed to die