Life's not fair
Why do things always
happen this way?
How come all the words
I happen to say
hurt everyone around me
or kill the soul inside me
why can’t my life be right
why do we have to fight?
why do we have to argue?
can’t we just try to glue
the pieces back in place?
or replace the lies we told
with the gold of
what happened to all of my dreams?
i wanted a family
i wanted to do things right
my futures surpass to be bright
with parents who talk
or friends with real faces
I’m tired of the races
why couldn’t it all be perfect?
why isn’t life with it?
i try real hard
i just needed a little help
now my lives on track
my dads come back
my old friends are gone
and my new ones are the best
i don’t know about the rest
haven’t got there yet