Life As a Young Adult
By Meredith Metsker
Being a young adult is crazy sometimes,
You’re too old to be hip and too young to be wise.
And this whole time all we’re trying to surmise,
Is what we’re going to do with the rest of our lives.
I graduated from college with a high GPA,
I have a job, own a cat, and my rent I do pay.
I’m going back to school now to get my MBA,
What have I gotten myself into? I sometimes say.
I’ll be a part-time student and an FTE,
I’ll have to manage my time so studiously.
Is it possible to get this second degree?
Of course it is, because life’s awesome and I’m me.
I’ll get my work done, and I’ll study for class,
I’ll give it my all though it will kick my… butt.
It won’t be easy, and I might run out of gas,
but my friends and my family will perk me up fast.
They keep me laughing even when I’m sad,
My mom sometimes burps and blames it on my dad,
Their antics always make me laugh like mad,
Basically, they’re awesome and incredibly rad.
I work with great people at a state university,
Some coworkers are young and 24 like me.
We laugh every day at our own hilarity,
Our older colleagues call it “youthful energy.”
I’ve learned how to speak like a professional,
Adding words like “synergize” to my arsenal.
“Integrated,” “synthesize,” and “multi-dimensional,”
I talk like this now, and it’s intentional.
I’m a real adult now, holy smokes!
But I still enjoy giggling at good poop jokes.
My life is like a bike with streamers in the spokes,
Because being fully normal is all just a hoax.
I laugh, I cry, I sneeze really loud,
I sometimes get antsy when I’m in a large crowd.
I’ve learned things in life of which I’m proud,
Like eating one Thin Mint is just not allowed.
I love ice cream all year no matter the weather,
My friends and I are like birds of a feather.
I still don’t know how to waterproof leather,
But I’m confident one day I’ll get it together.
I find joy in seeing a rose bush blossom,
I have bright blue stilettos, and yes, I rock ‘em,
Life as an adult is like being a possum,
It’s sometimes upside down, but mostly awesome.