Liberty is the Death of Me


United States
40° 39' 42.6636" N, 111° 50' 20.3028" W

I was granted freedom of speech
That I may express my grievances against the Flag
Without fear of imprisonment or suppression,
So that my voice may not be a wallflower but omnipotent

By this same rope given to me
I am hanged,
Silenced by those who define “speech,”
Explicitly telling me exactly what it is
That I am allowed to say, what it is
That I want to say

I was granted freedom of religion
That I may no longer worship in shadows,
That daylight’s redeeming rays might once again
Grace the cover of my dog-eared Bible and
My Crucifix may be worn without the stab of persecution
That was before Man became godless.
The name of the one who created light,
The very name invoked by our Fathers in pursuit of independence,
Is being torn out of our great mandate-
Stitch by stitch, letter by letter
Until Man himself is divine

I was granted a ruling body
By the people,
For the people It is now “to the people:”
The Suits do not govern with us or for us;
Such a notion impedes their individual advancement,
Hampers their jaundiced intentions

The Flag that stood rigid with Justice and Democracy
Now lies limp in my arms, as I count the days
Until my last few freedoms too are turned against me

They’re coming for me


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