I cause concern
Make heads turn
While all my heart can do is yearn
For you to understand
That this was God’s command
Not some man’s demand
And that
This life in the hood
Is a choice
By society
My choice of piety
And I keep trying to explain
But instead you listen
To the media’s disdain
To their lies
Of why I cry
But please open your
Ears and hear my fears
I fear that the world will forever see me
As a brainwashed
And that I fear
My own beauty
My own sexuality
My own country
Even men in my own family
When in reality
I am only caged by misconceptions
So let me make some corrections
My hijab
This towel
Turban thing
My hood
Has brought me nothing
But good
I was born in
Grew up in
And was educated
in America
So this is my country
How can you say
That I am not liberated?
And yes
I speak
and write
In my first and only fluent language
And as for my beauty
It is in my heart
And when a man sees this
From me he’ll never part
And when I watch the women
Excuse me “sex objects”
On tv
Sitting right next to me
I sigh
If only she knew
How she’s being abused
How she doesn’t need to take
A million selfies
Hashtag I’m so ugly
Because you see
She’s beautiful
And she doesn’t have to be
50 pounds and
10 feet tall
or buy everything at the mall
But she believes
That she does
Because that’s what she is told
By the media
By which society is controlled
While I am satisfied
With simplicity
When people can’t judge the shape of my body
The essence of my outer beauty
Or what they think is ugly
While I choose
The path of my life
The choice of
Being a hidden gem
The one the media will condemn
Because quite frankly
I can’t give them much of my money
Sell them my sexuality
All I really have
Is my dignity