Let Me Borrow Some Time
Let Me Borrow Some Time
I can do that right?
It's not an unreasonable request
To relearn everything I've been taught the last 4 years
To trust, to laugh
To fall in love way too fast
To know not to get up too quickly
Or you forget why there are scabs on your knees
And why you hate that harmless Taylor Swift song
You will forget why you love your best friend
Because she is always there for you
You will forget why you learned guitar
Because you had an unhealthy relationship with the Jonas Brothers
You will forget why you learned French instead of Spanish
Because you thought it would make you different
You forgot why you wanted to be different
Because that lend to strange looks
You will forget why you stop talking in class
Because that lead to this great phenomenon called bullying something society does not "tolerate" yet glorfies
You will forget why you silenced yourself
You will forget why you grew thick skin
You will forget why you stopped pleasing others before you pleased yourself
Because we does that ever make sense?
You will forget why you love so strongly
Because you never want to make anyone feel unwanted
You will forget why you want forget any of these things at all