Lessons From Letters
26 letters in the alphabet to make lines of poetry
And every one taught me a lesson
A taught me apathy for people who are struggling
B taught me to be bold in the face of adversity
C taught me censorship isn't always the way to go
D taught me duties and how to be my best at them
E taught me excitement in the thrill of new poetry
F taught me to face my fears even if they're hard
G taught me the greatness of having friends to lean on
H taught me helping others can help you in the same breath
I taught me integrity is more valuable than talent
J taught me joy can come in all forms we just have to find it
K taught me kindness is going to save the world
L taught me love is a lesson in and of itself
M taught me motivation to be the bigger person
N taught me nothing is impossible
O taught me other people are not the enemy
P taught me passion does not need perfection
Q taught me being Queen of the broken hearts is awesome
R taught me relapse is not the end of the world
S taught me superiority can sometimes corrupt
T taught me talent isn't as important as tenacity
U taught me being the under dog isn't so bad after all
V taught me victory isn't so sweet when you're alone
W taught me wounds heal and fade away leaving nothing behind but a lesson
X taught me X-rays of every line and motive of other people are not important
Y taught me youth is fleeting and I should enjoy it while it lasts
Z taught me to be the zebra in a field of horses
Who knew the letters that make up poetry could teach so much
To some they're just another school assingment
To me they're superheroes