Left Behind
Sometimes it’s lonely,
Being the one left behind,
Blocked off from reality,
No longer part of life,
No one really looks,
Deep within,
See the soul reflected,
A pain hidden within,
Since sometimes,
You just want someone to say,
“You’re not o.k.”
Look you in the eye,
And see the lies left behind,
Self-hatred contained,
Unbearable to withhold,
The lies are the only things seen,
Not the despair inside,
That wishes someone would see,
And hold your gaze,
Saying, “No, you’re not fine.”
Because sometimes,
It’s sickening how no one really looks,
To used to seeing with physical eyes,
Not those within,
Blinded by personal problems,
Never realizing,
It’s the givers, who are truly the ones in need,
“Leaving me behind,
I wonder if you really understand,
Because if you did,
You wouldn’t walk away from me,
Racing away as if you have something to fear,
Unable to see the damage done here,
Giving up the bitter thoughts,
Burying them in my soul and heart,
Not understanding my shattered thoughts,”
So, what happens?
When the ones who need,
Aren’t the ones who receive?
But those who give?
What happens then?
But sometimes,
It’s only at lowest of times,
You realize,
“Maybe being left behind…is o.k.”
Because I can help those,
I love,
If the only cost is myself,
I’ll gladly give it,
To keep them safe,
So even if I’m left behind,
I’ll keep moving forward,
And if you so happen,
To cross my path,
I’ll say,
“I may not understand fully,
But I understand enough.
So, let me tell you a story…”
About a girl,
Or a boy,
Who gave their all,
To protect those they loved,
Even at the cost of themselves,
Since sometimes,
Its lonely being the one left behind,
But there are no regrets.