Leap of Faith
As She looks up in search for clarity
She is lost, and She is me
Turn on the night sky to set the scene
Peep holes of starlight let the heavens see
Eyes staring back at them questioning
Searching for patterns beyond her reach
From the number of them She found humility
While in the dark, the light fueled her dreams
And for a moment She might be free
From the distance though She’s back in reality
Before you came I was left to be
Above the waves yet sinking deep
I go back to just you and me
Back to us sitting in a tree
A tree that floated over the sea
With roots anchored back at the beach
The arms of the ocean had started to creep
Crawling to the sand below our dangling feet
Drawing me in from the branch, I lean –
More and more willing to test gravity
You are Him and I am She
She’s in the storm, and He is peace
The Southern wind takes Her feet
While She embraces the air with warm intimacy
He combs Her hair with a gentle breeze
And knows Her secret is for the wind to keep
She can’t remember the last time She forgot to breathe
Or the last time She felt a heart beat
In this moment He gave her serenity
And once again in the stars She began to believe