LAUSD Black & Brown Students

Thu, 11/15/2012 - 22:03 -- SMpoet

LAUSD, Los Angeles Unified for Student Discrimination
LASPD, only funded to create an environment of suppression
Consisting of many schools dominantly black and brown
Superintendent Deasy what exactly is going up in downtown?
My future is looking kind of blurry
Constantly I see faces of mothers, tears full of worry
Suspensions, Expulsions, Harassment, and Handcuffs
Students get tickets from being late to school, to taking a puff
But, students need to be send to counselors, not cops
Ayo LAUSD, all this needs to stop
Daily, students are being left behind
If you are telling us that you don't care,
How are we suppose to advance?
You are giving up on us instead of giving us a chance
Please do not allow our schools to be handed to outsiders
What will happen to students who are economically disadvantaged?
Seems like being brown we are not advantaged
I see my people's future drowning
We are not dumb, we know what's going on. Who do you think you're clowning?
We care about our education, so why don't you?
Take a walk with me and tell me the truth
What's your plan for our youth?
Are you preparing us for college or for jail?
We don't want to prepare for the pen, we want to prepare for schools like Yale.
Look, these are students from Los Angeles.
This is the capital of gangs, drugs, and poverty.
Most of us come from either broken families or broken communities.
Before you kick another student to the curb, analyze their life from the start
Listen to their painful stories, and I'll guarantee it'll touch your heart
None of these students ever said 'I want to grow up and be a failure'
But their painful lives and their jail-like schools alter their out of control behavior
Provide our schools with more supplies, with better teachers, and counselors, not police
So, reconsider the environment you built in LAUSD schools and make it better
If it helps I wrote it as a poem instead of a form of a letter


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