Labels come with life.
For some they may cause strife.
For others it's a way to hide,
who they truly are inside.
Labels stick as if tattooed on my body.
You would think these labels are shoddy,
but these labels here help me
by letting me be overseen.
Quiet. Weird. Introverted.
Got a synonym? You know I've heard it.
Get close to me and you shall see,
the girl I could honestly be.
Loud. Confident. Open Minded.
If only my brain could find them.
The traits hidden inside me,
as if playing hide and seek.
If I chose to show these traits,
my life would have a different fate.
Judgements would shoot my way,
People not caring what I have to say.
My body is the curtain where my personality hides behind,
wishing it had an exit to find.
but let us just keep one thing certain,
pay no attention to that girl behind the curtain.