The Known Unknown
You are family
Whom I have never seen
The one that told me stories
Whenever I was lonely
I speak to you more than I do
to Him who took you
I’ve cried when you left me
And when you didn’t come back again
To save me
From your own flesh and blood who was tormenting me
I prayed for your return
Knowing that it could never happen
I wonder if you know me as well as I know you
It’s been 20 years since i never stopped missing you
I never had that safety net
Almost every other kid had
And they do not appreciate that
I’ve dreamt of days when you would comb my hair with your soft hands rubbing against my rough and oily cheeks
I’ve dreamt of times when I would drag you to the park to push me on the swing
Now the time has passed,
The comb just briskly brushes itself through my hair for a few seconds every morning
The swing can no longer bear my 150 pound body
But I still desire every little kids desire when it comes to you
You whom I have never met, but fallen in love with since I was born
- A poem for my grandmothers I never met-