Keeping hope alive
I write to live, I don’t live to write
In the seemingly endless journey that is life, dreams must be delayed, sacrifices made
What happened to my dream?
It did not die
It did not disappear
It is alive
It lives within my the prison mind and and it waits
Hopes of my future
Its only yard time is on the page, a song, a psalm, lest I go insane
Visions of my futures appear before me each day, I need to keep them alive
Or I will die with it
The page is air, and the ink is it's fare
Do I write for the girl with the emerald eyes, I have seen our kids,
Do I do it for the girl with the blonde hair, I have seen our house,
No, I write for me, for my future, if my hope is alive, then so am I
The girl with the emerald eyes is gone before I can say hi
The girl with the blonde hair claims she is a lesbian
I write for me, because crushes come and go and feelings fade
I write for me because, I have not found my One yet
I write for me in hopes that I will write for others someday
A wife, kids, grandkids, my hope, my future
I write for me because for now, if I reject creativity, my imagination, my hope
I reject life, the darkness imbues, and I embrace death.