Just Me and My Shadow
Despite what many people may think, depression is a mental illness. It makes us completely numb until we no longer have any feelings. It slowly destroys us from the inside out until there is nothing left, except for a bunch of "why me's?" and "what ifs?" Why am I the one who has to suffer from so much pain? Why am I going insane? Why can't anyone hear me? Why is the silence so loud? What if my life had turned out differently? What if I was loved the way that I expected for others to love me? Would my situation still turn out the way that it is today? Would I just speak my mind when I have things to say, instead of fearing being labeled as crazy or wanting attention? Would I have ever been happy?
Depression takes over our mind, body, and soul. Depression comes with a superglue type of hold. Depression changes who you are for the worse and there is nothing that we can do about it. Pretend to be okay, just smile while we soak in our silence. Knowing that no one else will understand what we are going through, so we keep everything to ourselves until there is no more room... no more tears... no more pain... no more thoughts... no more emotion... Just the tingling sensation of pure numbness. The world is so lonely and cold, when you have to face your demons alone. Your past haunts you, the things that happened to you taunts you, the hurtful things that people said becomes a loud melody in your head. Medication does not cure depression, it only masks it. Psychiatrist pretend to care because, they are getting paid to. Your family pretend that they understand, when really they think it's all in your head. The only friend that you have is your shadow.