Just a Child
Come with me, let's pretend
To see a sweet scene, a gentle scene;
A mother with her child,
But don't be fooled
It soon will end
The scene changes;
But it was just a baby--
But it was just a child.
Just a child who beleives Mom knows all
Just a child, too young to understand
That life isn't kind,
So this child begins her fall.
Taking her own flaws,
The mother pushes them onto her child.
Not strong enough yet
The child loses hope
Just a child wth only one wish
For hr mother to love her,
For her mother to hold her tight,
But her mother just calls her selfish.
Just a young girl, eager to please,
Others remark how well behaved
And obedient is she,
But her mother disagrees
Just a teen with a passion for words,
She writes,
She incessently speaks,
But by her mother she remains unheard
Just a child who has paid the cost
For her mother's misdoing
She believed the ill-spoken words
All confidence is lost.
Her mother continues to kill with words spoken
Not realizing the results
Not caring of the consequences
Oblivious of the child now broken
One day the mother may realize that the problem is she--
But it will be too late.
The child can't accept it,
The child can't see