Joy in the Valley
How ironic is it
That the birth and the death
Of someone is heralded in by a
A cry to free the lungs,
A cry to pierce the heart,
A cry to signal life,
A cry to signal death.
Too many venture to death
On the wings of a cry and a
A cry into the wilderness,
A cry into the nebula,
A cry into the darkness,
A cry into the Valley.
The only barrier between my
Death Cry and Life is
The joy and thrill of living.
The frantic beating of the heart,
The nervous butterflies of the stomach,
The anxious tapping of the fingers,
The excited flittering of the eyelids.
The rollercoaster ride of Life,
The contrast of Valley and Mountain,
The experiences and pains,
All are my joy.
Joy in living has protected me
From the enveloping sadness,
From the creeping terror, and
From the overwhelming fears.
My tears and thoughts of
Poison have no effect on me
The thrill of living has wrapped me
In loving arms, guarding me from releasing
The Death Cry.
I will not enter death as a victim
Of my thoughts.
I will not enter death as a victim
Of my sadness.
I will live,
I will embrace love,
I will enjoy my time on Earth,
For I have Joy in the Valley.