Jamn` like Nero
I`m sitting alone in my room.
Corgi flopped out on the floor
He`s snoring, sounds like a motor boat
At least it would if I weren`t jamming out
On my banjo
Piggidy, ping, ping
I ignore good sense
And play Black Sabbath songs
Slamming my finger picks down with the ferocity of the
Knock, knock knocking on the door
Knocking like a battering ram
Knocking like a child
Knocking like my sister
Or my aunt
Or my cousin
Or my girlfriend
I`m drowning them out
I`m God and my banjo is a flood
I`m going to spare only Noah
Who may as well be the corgi on my Afghan carpet
Shut up, I can`t be bothered to
Escape these reinforced brick walls
With their painted on sunsets
That stick disgustingly to my skin
Smack, smack, smashing into the door
She`s knocking like a crazy person
Let`s be real
She is a crazy person
And she`s just so loud
But I just
Ping! Ping! Ping!
And yell like a howler monkey
Crazy person, they`ll call me
Because I need to fill the out ward silence
With something
Laughter mostly
Laughter like a mad scientist
“I`m Alive!!!!!”
“Kill yourself she moans
Kill yourself
Hey listen up,
Kill yourself
Don`t you hear me?
Let me in, let me in
we`re both tired
kill yourself
you`re pushing everyone away
they`ll hate you soon you know
kill yourself
the best you can hope for it indifference”
But I`ll jam on
Convinced I`m too awesome to hear her
Like the couples in 1920`s competitions
who danced until they flopped on the floor