I've Found True Love


United States
25° 59' 12.7464" N, 80° 12' 55.44" W

Ive found "real love", or so i thought,
In this jamaican rum and coke my friends had brought.
Now I see, it doesnt get rid of anything.
Just erases my problems for the time being.
Then I met my friend Mary Jane,
We fell "in love" and she was to blame.
Her enticing fragrance reeled me in,
Her magnificent quality had me gone in a second.
We were good til one day, I was arrested.
Because where was she ? On the dresser.
Those materialistic things I no longer found pleasing.
Then I saw this guy, his body had me feening.
Tatted up, grills, straight hood.
Everyone told me, "That boy is no good."
I didnt listen. My flesh was deaf.
All I could see was dimples, muscles, and well, you know the rest.
Not only was it his body but his personality.
He was sweet, adorable, but yet so street.
Those intoxicating words swept me off my feet.
Little did I know, things aren't always what they seem.
Together for six years and a half,
Yeah, he cheated but I'm weak, so I took him back.
Nobody treats me the way that he do.
No guy would compare to him, he was my boo.
He smacked me a little, but I was to blame.
He would cuss me out, call me all types of names.
Then he'd apologize saying, "Baby, I'll change,
I love you to death," and I'd trust him again.
Little did I know what he'd get me into.
The female who claimed him, I shot, and they were through.
Fed up with this world, I should end my life.
The thought always processed that I'd be his wife.
No love is what I found.
Not in drugs or in liquor, even this man let me down.
I couldn't trust another man,
Not after so many have scarred me again and again.
Then my homegirl told me, to live isn't to die,
It's to worship with pride.
She told me that she's found true love in a heartbeat.
She gave me this book but to feel the content is up to me.
The Holy Bible was it's title.
This female gave me a freaking bible!
I looked at her, she just stated, "You'll see."
But in my head I'm thinking, "This chick must be crazy!"
I already heard of this dude named jesus,
But he aint done anything for me, this is ridiculous.
I threw down the book, tears held back.
Then the voice that once told me, "Dont drink this, dont light that,
Dont trust him, he's bad."
Was now telling me, "Pick it up and read it."
After a while this book had me weeping.
I opened it up and read the title of the first book i saw,
Matthew, but when I saw this, I closed it thinking, "Hell naw."
But that one voice kept telling me, keep reading!
I read about how this guy Jesus, for me, took a beating.
Not with belts or shoes, but with stones.
He had it worse than anything I've known.
All for my life, He gave Himself up.
But why? If all I do is mess up??
All my life, Ive done nothing but wrong,
Liquor, smoking, denying Him all along.
Yet all He did was love me and forgive,
That's when i realized what true love really is.
Everything I've done in my life,
Has been forgiven because of His sacrifice.
Without His resurrection,
There would be no celebration.
He did all these things without even knowing me,
When I read all this it was hard to believe.
God, how could you have sent your only son??
Did you not see at the time, what was going on?
Jesus came down, freed me from sin.
Gave His life for me to live in it.
Heaven, where I'll meet His face.
The love I now know, cannot be replaced.
He is always there when I can't pull through,
He's my shoulder to cry on, and my savior too.
No matter what I've done before coming to Christ,
It's all been forgotten and forgiven in His eyes.
If all i must do is believe,
I'm saved in this life, guaranteed.
But I must obey Him everyday.
To prove my love for Him in every way.
Im His little girl, His daughter,
His honor, and He, is my heavenly Father.


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