It's time for a change
Walking into my reunion
I notice friends I haven’t spoken to in years
The night goes on and it’s so long
Because I don’t even feel like I fit in
A preview’s flashing and as I’m passing
I catch a glimpse of the math team
And I see me
I look around me and see
I’m surrounded by people I don’t know
I stop to wonder and I ponder
Why I can’t recall any of their names
They just pass me by and I don’t question why
Until someone asks me how I’ve been
But I don’t know how to answer
I hear my phone buzz and I answer as
It’s what I’ve learned to do in my career
It’s my agent saying I made it
Into another blockbuster film
I don’t want to but the part’s good
And it fits the silent beauty I’ve become
So how can I say no
I think about how I used to be
Unafraid of what others might say
I did my own thing
I carved my own way
And I was happy
So what changed
I look at my face, but you see
It’s not the same girl looking back at me
No more smiles or laughter
No more fun
Now images and appearances are priority
And I don’t know her anymore
The girl staring at me from the photograph
But here’s the scary idea
She wouldn’t know me either