It's Hard To Say

It's hard to say,

just what writing poetry

has done for me.


When you're alone,

with no one to talk to,

sometimes all you can do is write.


It's hard to say,

just what writing poetry 

has done for me.


When you're scared to speak 

out loud, so you write it all 

down instead.


It's hard to say,

just what writing poetry

has done for me.


When times are grey

and thoughts are loud,

and you need a positive escape.


It's hard to say,

just what writing poery

has done for me.


When it's done so much 

to help me express myself

in a way I never thought 

I could.


It's easy to say,

just what writing poetry

has done for me.


It's given me an escape from

the world around me. Given me 

a chance to tell my stories and 

shine light on certain problems in the world.


When my mind is full of words

When my feelings threaten to

bubble out,

Writing is all I can think to do

Because writing is easy, when you

have a lot to say.

This poem is about: 
Our world


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