It's Beginning to be Springtime At Least
I think maybe
I'm giving up on lent
for this year
because I've already cheated enough
and once you've cheated for a while
it begins to lose its fun
but anyways
my brain seems bursting
with all the things
I want you to know
even though
I'm not sure
whether I know them all myself
but I wish to be beloved
because I am selfish
but I'm grappling
at the crossroads
since things I'm soon to write
will not win me friends
and I doubt that'll be all
but I want to tell my stories
and I feel I owe it
to whoever else's soul
sits dormant inside me
I feel the need to be an activist
in spite of my tragedy
not being as gripping
as others' are
I need to read Hell's Angels
and anything else
I think might allow me to pluck up courage
since I was a coward in person
and the least I could do
is be brave behind the keyboard
regardless of what that might mean
concerning my overall likability
because I am human enough
to be able to survive
in spite of how many people
wish I didn't
I suppose that'd be my moral
if I had one
and my motivation
which I need