Is it okay?
Is it okay that I miss you,
Is it okay that I wish things were different,
Is it okay I still think about you from time to time,
Still tear up when I hear "Are song?"
Is it okay that I cry myself to sleep at night?
Is it okay that I lie to myself everyday to make everyone else happy but me feel like shit?
Is this okay,
Is my life that I'm living met for a girl like me,
I'm not the girl I use to be,
The things I do,
An't me,
Is it okay to exclude my best friend from how I feel because she is moving and its not like she can help when shes away?
Is this okay?
My whole mind is all confused,
If I knew what to do,
I know right now wouldn't seem like such a problem..
-Ashley Montgomery
December 24th, 2012