It matters not
He adjusted his yellowing glasses
Gathered his scattered thoughts
And cleared his scratchy voice
He began,
It matters not
He yelled, into the sky
Screamed, through the mountains
And whispered, to the children
Look around
All that you have,
All that you have accomplished
This is your life, always be satisfied
You don't need to be like everyone else
In Fact, you shouldn’t
That is the beauty of life
The kids looked up in disbelief
As a tear trickled down his cheek
You need to be thankful, he said
Don't get caught up
Don't get discouraged
are amazing
You were created unique
It’s okay to think differently
The life that you were given,
Is ready to be transformed
He finally exclaimed,
You are not what they think
You are what you know
And that is what you shall be proud to be