It hurts
It hurts
All my life I wanted you in my life
To know you
and see the things I get from you with my own eyes
“Oh, wow you really do have his eyes, Oh, my gosh you look just like your father” they’d say
but it hurts to know you never cared
you never wanted to know me like I wanted to know you
I was just the other kid, hundreds of miles away from you
You never cared to come see me
You never called to see how I was doing
I wanted a relationship
I cried out for you
But you never heard me
Its almost as if you never acknowledged me
It hurts
It hurts so bad in my heart
It’s the most awful feeling in the world to feel so unloved by you
You show up in my life?
Crying out to me for a relationship
Why now?
Where were you when I was two
Struggling to get by with a single mother
Where the heck were you!
Living your life with your other family
Where were you when depression hit our house?
Do you know what its like to not have a mother and father?
Where were you?
When school meant nothing, and attendance didn’t matter
Close to failure
Where were you?
“I am always here for you”
But are you?
Oh man does It HURT
But you know what?
You know who is always there for me?
Not you.
I am in college
I am loved by many
I am all ever dreamed I would be
And you know who is proud of me?
I never needed you to become who I am
Maybe you being invisible for years was a blessing for me
I guess we will never know
I hope that hurts