It Comes With Age (J.P.B.)

In the womb you are admired for your existence,
and though "beauty" is not a concept that exists in your world
Those around you are basking in that which you posses
Once you are born, it has yet to reach your consciousness,
the extent of your appeal but the attention is there
and you bask in it wholeheartedly
With childhood there comes the idea of being "pretty"
So you work towards that ideal, never sure if you ever reach it
That doubt then grows stronger as a teen
You mistakenly believe that sex appeal is necessary
It is that innocence towards the way the world works that then seems so magnificent
Eventually you find "adulthood"
a belief that you are more knowledgeable than your previous years
a belief that you truly know who you are, though in reality you are still searching


That is true beauty
The sum of the whole and the confidence one exudes as a result
When the world is seen through knowing eyes
When clarity and realism are the default

This poem is about: 
My family


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