It all started with a

It all started with a message i sent you a year ago, you posted a status and i knew you were going through a tough time.
You see i also was going through a tough time;maybe we weren't going through the same thing but i know the feelings of helplessness,loneliness and feeling like no one cares.
As months past and we still talk everyday, i grew so fascinated by what was going on in your life it was so insane how you could still be alive while all these extreme things were happening in your life.
Every message you sent i analyzed and always made sure to double check that i never missed one word.
I grew so fond of you and we became closer then just ordinary friends and our liking for each other was more then friends.
You became something more to me; something i needed.
You always came first, you and your feelings.
Your happiness was and always will matter to me so much.
Your struggles became apart of me i felt as if i could feel your pain and it piled over mine as depression was consuming me,though the thought of you keep it from fully killing me.
This leads to my disliking of getting into relationships and so called "love"
You are an exception of anything that has to do with more then friends and you know that...
It's been two months and three days now since you've gotten with her.
She's beautiful, she lives close and can offer more then i ever could.
It also seems that she makes you happy and although it hurts to see someone other then me make you happy, i'll leave it to her to keep you entertained...
I'm so amazed by you, the way you pick yourself up and keep going.
You are worth so much more then you think.
How could i let my fear of this so called "love" intrude my feelings for you my dear...


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