The Irony of a Safety Pin
Itchy skin,
cicadas, buzzing lights, shivering,
waking up when the sky is cloudy,
a metal fork scratching a porcelain plate,
falling in public,
knots being brushed out of hair,
a cuticle peeled back too far,
a bug bite on the bottom of a toe,
tapping toes, an hour Spanish class,
an audition,
the small red light on a radio in a dark room,
the smoke after blowing out a candle,
a creaky house, amber alerts,
a failing grade, crooked picture frames,
stains on a white shirt, ex boyfriends,
ex girlfriends, friends, homework,
the future,
scratched glasses, crying babies,
scars, forgetting to shave your legs,
a dead body, the eyes of a teenage girl,
dropping dried out roses,
hands that smell like cigarettes,
a burnt tongue from too hot tea,
an anxiety attack, September 25th, 6:40 PM, on a walk