The ironic E in Black America
How can you blame us for Being the men were meant to be?
When you're the ones changing our destinies and rewriting our history?
You blame us for the paths we take, But pave the streets in our society. you tell us to break the Chains hindering us, but add links every time we seem to break free. Like a dog chained up to a tree.. We run in circles trying to find the right path getting caught up eventually. You claim to know how to solve problems in the hood when you've never stepped a foot into the streets. You claim to want equality? But we all know you fear that more than anything. A black man with power? Thats considered more dangerous than a white man could ever be. Like a sword lodged in stone, the only one able to set us free was our king. Killed too soon we're left stuck in a stone that doesn't want us existing. We didn't asked to be brought to a world where we're poverty stricken with a lack of opportunity. We see a star that is clearly out of our reach, so we turn our backs on our future. We don't like being in a world where were unwanted anymore than you want us to be. So why don't you just rewind time back 400 years and set our ancestors free.