The Inviolable Awesomeness of The Spoken Word
the birth of a slam poem is earth-shatteringly awesome
what is more awesome than a hungry pen
and its blue/black bite marks on the blank back of a throwaway page
a spasm, a stanza
the first flirtatious hint of a deep, soulful connection
the square and the sucka, the pig and the prophet forgotten
there’s only the present
the presence of pen, paper
and whole veins full of ink
whole oceans unfulfilled
until the glorious injurious nib scratches a syllable
over a paper snowscape
then come sea changes, endless twisting phrases
mutating phases of double-helixed entangled teenage mumbo-jumbo
hieroglyphs and punches and kisses and pages upon pages of beautiful life,
instants caught in the amber of the mind,
every verse becomes an odyssey through time,
a belted-out ballad bending the backs and splitting the spines of notebooks
what is born is so gorgeously melodious
as is the spoken word
hearing others belt their love, hate, heartbreak
through the wire with fire on their tumbling tangled tongues
pouring their souls through a speaker’s perforated back
the verses percolating back into the minds of those present
those who present a powerful postulate
in poetry John Lennon can rest in peace
there is no possession
there is universal pride
there is an endless supply of soul-food,
and hunger is just a pause between lines.
pain is merely a refrain in the symphony of joyous exaltation
for poetry is the church of the human spirit,
attended by an army of flower-children,
a cynical silver-tongue at war with his heart of gold,
back-talkers and wise-guys,
tomboys and punks,
old men and whippersnappers,
hip-hop gurus and jazz-slingin’ trumpeters
thumpin’ the gospels they write for themselves
the lesson is simple:
hate is irrelevant
love is imperative
even if you’re American
arrogance is a waste
when embracing the elation
of inhalation, exclamation
and lyrical exhalation
isolation is nothing,
you have brothers and sisters in a slam show’s seats
you have a pairing of parents in the perilous prose of prehistoric poets
you have a pen and pad
you have hate by the balls and love in your arms
and you are awesome.