Insidious Love
I sit in darkness
all that exists is anger
bubbling over me
I try to push back
but resistance is futile
it will take over
I hide my true self
behind a gentle facade
hiding emotion
Emotion took me
to the darkness I am in
to slowly eat me
I can not handle
the monster I created
through such deep feeling
The feeling of love
is very insidious
it slowly kills me
Because of this love
the anger set in to lead
blocking out all else
It had been lurking
waiting for the best moment
to snatch up its prey
Now I am trapped
I am enslaved to the rage
made strong by neglect
I don't understand
how love leads to such anger
I fear its red glow
The red glow of rage
glides to me in the darkness
slowly transforming
When it reaches me
it has a definite shape:
a red glowing man
His voice was an echo
“I have trapped you in your love”
the glowing echo said
The red turned orange
and the darkness swallowed me
the final trap sprung