The Impossible Castle
I saw you there,
My loyal guide,
A man of raven hair and blue eyes,
Quite tall in stature,
With cream skin,
You took my hand,
Then we began,
We walked along an empty field,
An endless green of rolling hills,
Then we came unto a castle,
Of odd geometric shapes,
That twist and turn,
With no end or sense,
I saw the shadows,
The silloettes,
That came from the windows,
So curious they were,
But obviously scared,
They ran amock their home,
With such deep dispair,
But as we crossed the bridge,
Guided by the lights,
The castle had a tunnel,
Fill with strange delights,
Littered in the hall,
Was statues old with rust,
That shifted in the shadows,
That slowly came closer to us,
My guilde took my hand,
He held it firm,
"Keep walking my love,
They'll leave us alone",
I did as he said,
I walk on by,
Through the strange castle,
Then waved goodbye.