Immobilized Maiden of the Wind
I see the bruises on your arm
I see the townsfolk has caused you harm
I see those chains bound to your ankles and wrists
This windowless dungeon I wonder who could think of this?
These bars on this door
How could they possibly have punished you more?
I don’t see any steam from your serving; don’t tell me that your meal has gone cold?
Rumors have it that the food they serve you is to sicken your body or so I’ve been told
By the looks of your gown I can tell that your dungeon isn’t clean
Yet your face still holds a solemn, glowing smile; could you maybe be a veen?
If so this room has no place for you; it’s no wonder why you refuse to eat
Further torture isn’t needed when you’re in a room that’s cold and damp without any light to warm your feet
I know they view you as a servant to the devil
I know however, that you; young maiden, are not evil
For I can see truth and sincerity in your eyes
And I can tell from hearing you speak that your words hold no lies
Your voice is so gentle and frail
That if you were to sing you could out-perform any Nightingale
All they need is to just hear you out
Allow you to testify and answer their questions in order to clear their doubt
You may be a young maiden but your words hold great wisdom
Of a reality to a dream of wondrous freedom
They can’t keep you in here to selfishly put their minds at ease
To keep you away from any gust of wind let alone a gentle breeze
I heard that finally tomorrow their closing these claims
And in front of the townsfolk your body will be set to flames
So tonight I have come to your rescue
Now go, go to the skies before they see you
The morning has arrived; the guards have come to set flames to my flesh
For having set free a convicted demon as confirmed by a nearby witness
Among the people I see my family, the land, and the sky
From the distance I can even see you and not just wait idly by
I will testify on your behalf
Not caring if I get beaten or if the people laugh
I will shout it from these lungs until I can’t breathe
I do this for you my friend for I trust you would do the same for me
They will remember for the rest of their lives this woman burned at the stake
That I died with a smile knowing I’ll reach freedom for my sake
But I am content with at least saving you my friend
And I soon will soar those skies as an angel, along with you; maiden of the wind