I can take a whole world and flip it on its head.
Don’t believe me, just watch.
Ou êtes-vous maintenant?
Vous êtes sur les rues de Paris.
Vous marchez au travail gagner sa vie
Quand soudainement,
Vos pieds ne soutiennent pas.
Vous commencez voler
Plus haute et plus haute.
Les gens sous ne vous regardent pas, mais vous criez et criez plus bruyant.
Mais, c'est évident,
Vous êtes une oiseau.
Et voilà,
I have transported us to France
Transformed us into birds,
And allowed us to fly
Higher and higher
Into the sky.
“How have you done that?”
You may ask.
The answer is simple.
So painfully plain that I’m appalled you didn’t see it in the title.
It fuels every fiber of my being!
It should wake you up in the morning
And keep the fire burning until the end of time!
It allows me to make any world I want
And live a thousand lives!
Even if I was left with no hands,
No legs or no eyes,
I would still have my imagination to help me
Reach for the stars,
Sprint towards my goals,
And keep my eyes on the prize.
This beautiful mechanism I hold in my head,
Can make me a roguish bandit
Or a dainty heiress to a European throne,
Or even a roguish heiress to a European throne of bandits!
The limits of my mind are endless!
Have you taken time to test yours?