I'm not who I was or who I will be
I'm not who I was or who I will be
Everyday God creates in me a new me
Blessed today this I am able to see
For you see, more than once I was lost
And more than once I was blind
And in me, Myself and the world is all you would find
Again I say, I'm not who I was or who I will be
The old me's dead and the new me lives
Because in Me God lives
Newly alive with a reborn spirit
Today I do more of God's word Than Just Hear It
I respect it and we need to I fear it
Oh how I appreciate you Holy Spirit
Again and again I'll say I'm not who I was or who I will be
Once and always forgiven God keeps no records of yesterday's me
Thank you Jesus of my past sins and transgressions am I free
Amazing Grace how sweet the Salvation
that's creating me into this new Godly creation
And MercyMe no longer dose this world recognized me
and no longer do it's lies reside in me
Truly Lord I pray that it's your love that I Luminate for all to see
Today I give you all praise
Lord and savior of my life is what you are
And because of everything that you are
I'm not who I was or who I will be