I'm just a Wallflower
My hand reaches out,
Yet, I couldn't touch what I wanted.
Is it because my goal is too high?
Am I not tall enough?
Was it too much to hope for,
To dream for?
People always asked me,
"How can someone like you,
Who is so small,
Can possibly reach that high?"
Usually, people would say that one can do anything if they believed.
But.. now, in today's world..
It's just too impossible for someone like me,
I don't have wings to fly,
I don't have the courage to move forward,
I don't have the intelligence to do something great like those around me...
I'm just a wallflower,
A person in the background that goes unnoticed by time.
Soon to be replaced.
I reach out my hand,
As I see my goals,
My dreams,
Go distantly farther away...
I let my hand fall back,
For surely,
I am a wallflower, that will soon be replaced..