I'm gonna be.


United States
44° 2' 6.1764" N, 123° 2' 50.4852" W

I'm gonna be.
Not a star not a hero not a legend
I ain't a force or an engine
No, I'm just gonna be.

I'm gonna see.
Not the world not a wonder not a miracle
I ain't a pilgrim or an oracle
No, I'm just gonna see.

I'm gonna feel.
Not a rush not a spark not a song comin'
I ain't a blaze or Dean Martin
No, I'm just gonna feel.

But don't think I won't be nothin'
Won't see nothin'
Won't feel nothin'
Won't want nothin'
And won't need nothin'

I'm a woman on two feet
I know my time's comin'

I got a red heart and wide hands
I'm gonna do and make
I'm gonna stand.


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