But I'm glad I know.
I don’t like seeing little kids in other countries
with their protruding bones
and hollow eyes.
I don’t like knowing that
the kid
whose the same age as me
who I see on the street
will never get the same opportunities
because of how much money he makes
or his race.
I don’t like being aware of the shit that we face
I don’t like noticing the women-hate present in my own family.
In my own school.
I don’t like it.
I didn’t notice it before.
But I am glad I know.
I hate these things
that feel like they are out of my control.
I am glad I know.
People don’t like the truth.
The truth is ugly.
And painful.
And it assigns blame to
us all.
People choose ignorance
It is bliss.
But living in ignorance promises that
nothing will get better.
Because maybe it is our fault.
That brown boys and brown girls hate the way they look.
Because maybe it is our fault.
That racism didn’t disappear with the civil rights acts.
Because maybe it is our fault.
That there is still not equality in the court rooms
or in the schools.
Because maybe it is our fault.
That women are blamed
for the raping of their own bodies.
We like to think that these things aren’t our fault.
That we are politically correct, whatever that means.
We like to think that because we’ve never done these things
that we are not to blame.
“But if you are neutral in situations of injustice,
you have chosen the side of the oppressor”
What would I change
if I could change anything.
I would not change these circumstances.
I would change our attitudes towards them.
We have made this mess.
Of our own world.
Of our own people.
I would give us the opportunity to
fix it.
I believe in the beauty of humanity
despite how ugly it can appear.
I believe that if we would change our mindset
We would have the ability to change these injustices.
We wouldn’t side with the oppressor.
We would work.
We would make the change.