ignorance is bliss
I don’t remember much about the days when I was fed
Or when I laid in a crib instead of lie in a bed
Or even the days when my diaper had to constantly be changed
Or when taking a step was an action that gained me fame
Or when it was ok to greet everyone with a single kiss
Oh how I know ignorance is bliss
I loved the days when I was a – little – kid
When I wasn’t the slightest bit ashamed to ask a women’s help to open a lid
When sticking of the tongue was the foulest form of scoffing
When the only class 1 felony was rolling my eyes when my parent were talking
When I loved to go to school and play at recess
When one plus one was old and two plus two was the hardest question on the test
When I thought love was made from a single kiss
Oh how I know ignorance is bliss
I am living in the days when my feelings are undeniable
And when trusting others for anything is unreliable
And when all I do is complain about senseless, irrelevant things
When I Claim an ordinary chair as if it is a throne and I am King
When unimportant, insignificant, irrelevant information must be remembered under lock and key
When I don’t have time to study but I always have time for me
When loving someone is proved with a single kiss
Oh how I know ignorance is bliss
I look forward to the days when all is free and fun
When I find the perfect girl, the bright, the beautiful only one
When I see her and know it’s her just by the gaze in her eyes
When it’s her or nothing, it’s her or my spirit will simply die
When it happens will it be romantic like those displayed
When it happens will it end in love or utter dismay?
When unsure I’ll check with a single kiss
Oh how I know ignorance is bliss
I have seen the days when the elderly are old and decrepit
When they try to act happy but a lifetime of knowledge and worry intercept it
When they’re wondering why their peaceful life is filled with stress
When life is one big agonizing wound to dress
When they are too wise to let a face expression go by unregarded
When the love they give to their better half goes un-retarded
When love is still an undefinable feeling but not defined by a single kiss
Oh how I know Ignorance is bliss