If Only They Knew

I see all the faces as I walk through doors
My tears make stains on the hard gray floors

The corridor seems endless
Many animals grow restless
Darkness makes the room stand still
I want to make it better and I will

Few get to leave while they still breathe
Many are returned, it’s training they need
Why am I here again They ask in their head
As they curl up in their cold cement bed

Domestic creatures want love and affection
Some food, some water, and some protection
Instead they suffer through abuse and neglect
They need our help and I refuse to reject

I give them attention, some need baths
We go for walks and we play in the grass
Many animals are unsure at first
Then we get to know each other, and they've know worse

Most won’t leave sent to die
People won’t adopt they’d rather buy

If only they knew
They could save a life


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