Poems from Anonymous1

I Write Poems, I Love Music, Dancing Is My Life, And Volleyball Is The Shit. I'm 16 And I'm An Overacheiver In Life. Just Trying To Find A Way To Express It All
You know when your so stressed,
your heart beats through your ears
and out your head ?
Your Knees buckle a bit
and your stomach hurts...
If I Could Change One Thing....
I Don't Think I'd Know Where To Start
To Change Everyone's Mind
Or Everyone's Heart.
We're So Caught...
As Much As I Hate To Admit It
I Loved Reading Books About Love
Where The Characters Fall Head Over Heels
Then Get Hurt And Find The...
Head Held Up, Shoulders Back
The Thing I Have Is The Thing You Lack.
Look You In The Face Big Bright Smile,
But Try To Prove Me Wrong, I'll...
I Can't Wait To Get Out !
School Makes Me Scream,
It Makes Me Shout !
The Underacheviers, The Jocks
The In Betweens, The Maybe Nots