I sowed you in the soul as seeds
Of those that last as long to grow
They were of those seeds
Because like they grow
As that love should be knowing
Little by little
Once is already seeded
Is known to be so
When the passed love
Without water It has dried
When you already have passed it
Without rush
I planted you so close to the soul
Because I have still much
So much to give
To deliver
Of what I bring in the soul
I planted you in the soul
To save you in a little place of me8
To see what you will offer
If you will offer light or promises nothing more
Without rush
I planted you in the soul slowly
But with the being
To find out if still remains
A love that will give me although
A little love
To know
How many fruits you love will give me.
Te sembre en alma como semillas
De esas que duran tanto para crecer
Fueron de esas semillas porque a como crecen
Asi el amor se debe de conocer
Poco a poco
Una vez ya sembrado
Se sabe que es asi
Cuando el amor pasado
Sin regarlo se ha secado
Cuando ya lo has pasado sin prisas
Te sembre en el alma
Para guardarte en un lugarcito de mi
Para ver que ofrecias
Si ofrecias luz o promesas nada mas
Sin apresurar
Te sembre en el alma
Lentamente pero con el ser
Para poder saber si todavia
Queda un amor que me diera
Aunque sea un poco de amor
Para saber
Cuantos frutos tu amor me daria.
-Jonatan Vega