I Promise You
I Promise You,
If you give me the chance
If you let me change one thing
I will restore a never present balance.
I Promise You,
If you let me change the pace
If you let me change one thing
I will destroy our stereotypical views of race.
I Promise You,
A place without bigotry
Ethnicity no longer a deterrent
Allow me to touch on a few particularly.
I Promise You,
A haven where I can walk in a store
Not be followed or questioned
Not assumed to be automatically rotten to the core.
I Promise You,
A world where a hoodie and an iced tea
Won’t make me suspicious to anyone
And definitely won’t cut short my future and destiny.
I Promise You,
An environment where discrimination does not exist
Where your abilities and talent determine who you are
Instead of your skin color…what a plot twist.
I Promise You,
A place where you will not be hated simply because of the color of your skin
A world where people will get to know who you really are
Where people will not deem you as less than before you even begin.
I Promise You,
I will actually give you what America claims to
Equality, Justice, Fairness, Opportunity
I will give you all that they have lied about and robbed of you.
I Promise You,
If you let me change one thing
I will destroy all and every type of discrimination,
So we can live out the dream of Martin Luther King.