I Need You
I Need You
I was talking to my boyfriend the other day
And we were doing one of those he said she said couple things you see
And during the midst of the conversation he says
Well if you’re better off alone then do you even need me
I didn’t really have an answer then
So I told him I had some thinking to do
And the answer to his question is
Yes, I do need you
I need you like a bird needs its wings
Like don’t needs do
Like a park needs swings
Or like starvation needs food
My friends tell me I act a little ODD without you
That’s because by myself I’m just one
And I need you to make two
Without you I’m like a GPS without direction
Wi-Fi without connecting
Dots without connecting
Anger without aggression
I need you like marks need question
Like convicts need question
When we broke up I stopped using big bills to remind me
That I’m single without you
I’m the sky you’re what makes it blue
Without each other we’re nothing
But together we’re something
Without each other we’re wrong
Which is why it takes two to make a thing go right
So yeah I may not want you at times
But I do in fact need you
Like a string needs a shoe
Or like one needs two
Without you I’m less
But together we are greater than any equation
When we’re just ones were great
But together we’re amazing
I don’t care how mad you make me
Or about the stupid things you do
You complete me you’re my other half
Which is exactly why
I do need you