I love you
I could never forget you.
I can’t stop dreaming about you.
I just love you so much.
You mean so much to me.
But I forgot you.
I forgot you for a year,
after everything
I forgot it all
it left me sliding on ice for a year
And the descent was paralyzing
I see your face and your hands in my sleep
When I wake up
They are still there
They are still holding me down
I love you so much
You must love me to
That’s why you will never leave me
You mean so much to me.
Way too much
Now I love him
Now I feel safe
After years of healing
I feel strong again
I can trust now
That my load is lightened
And my trials and tribulations
no longer need to be mine alone
Now you are a shadow
Now you can love me as much as you want
because I don’t love you