I Have a Question, America
What makes you think you have the right?
To murder innocent black men and women
To imprison immigrants like they are criminals
To steal housing from entire communities
What makes you think you have the right?
To violate a human so horrifically
To punish peaceful protesters
To demolish the self-worth of women
I am angry, America.
We are supposed to be
the land of the free
and the home of the brave.
Our country was built on
Tyranny and slavery
And you say
Make it great again?
It was never great.
We had good
But it was never great
There was always injustice.
I am angry.
I want to make things better.
You should be making things better
But you stand there with your power
And do nothing.
There are entire communities
Dedicated to making things better
And you ignore them.
Even worse
You prosecute them.
You punish them for a crime they did not commit
We need to hold ourselves
For our sins.
For our wrongdoings.
Because this cannot go on any longer.
We will not
Let this go on.