I Have Learned; I Will Not Change
Being me, I would say was the greatest thing,
Despite these days when I'm pained,
Back then I knew I could do anything,
These days I'm just watching the rain,
Used to spend hours and hours reading,
Imagining the adventures I could have,
Now, I'm counting all of my pennies,
Making the most of driving with little gas,
I could write a poem to make your heart melt,
Now I'm writing a poem to make you think,
Back then I was always kindhearted,
And I'll admit I am still very sweet,
But the finer things then were dragon tales,
And the pet store (miles away) down the street,
Now I'm wishing, and wishing with all my heart,
To find a dragon of my own,
But I now realize any creature in a box,
Is a creature who is very far from home,
And even now as my stomach churns to the thought,
Of so many animals caged,
"Elephant ears" are still the greatest treat,
At any carnival to this day,
I might just cry while typing this-
THIS intense walk down memory lane,
Not exactly because I am hurt,
But a little sorrowful, and I guess... of shame?
To think I am slowly turning into...
To think we are now...
To think that once was, can be; can not,
The younger me; so free of thought,
If only I could be as light as she,
I can still fly but at such a low degree,
The me who lived then,
Back then, she was different.
She isn't gone, she lives on in "we",
I'm hoping still; I'm just the provider, the sun,
And she I pour in the knowledge,
She is the seed,
I'm already sick of what's called "adulting",
But I still want her to change the world,
The lives of those inside that box,
The lives of those inside that cage,
She will set the dragon free,
Like a cleansing across the world with sage,
She taught me patience brings great things,
And so despite these days when I'm pained,
These days when I can only watch the rain,
These days when I'm counting up pennies,
And trying my best to remain sweet and silly,
By learning through these horrors of reality,
I have come to understand the meaning of morality,
And chosen the path that is simply kindhearted,
No matter what I do, or say,
SHE will lead the way,