I Have All That I Need
What do I need? What will keep me going?
Maybe it's money and wealth?
Or maybe it's perfect fitness and health?
No... I've heard about those depressed celebrities who died,
And about hypochondriacs living in fear, despite how many "cures" they've tried.
Perhaps I need a million Facebook friends?
Maybe I ought to try to follow every social trend?
Nah... I don't need to have my eyes be constantly glued to a screen.
And too many times I've seen the mainstream grow obscene.
I know-- how about I improve my plain appearance?
Or raid the mall every time there's a clearance?
But what good comes out of taking my looks to unhealthy extremes?
And how will shiny and studded clothes bring me any peace?
Ooh! I bet I need the latest gadgets and technology!
How about a high-paying job where I'm the number one employee?
But once I obtain the latest invention, something better shortly comes out.
And being the "favorite" in the workplace isn't always the best route...
Then it must be studying, cramming notes into my head;
Or it must be working 24/7 until I plop onto my bed.
But do I really need to pressure myself and have no time for rest?
And is working until my head explodes really what's best?
So, what do I need? Can this world satisfy me with anything?!
Apparently not... No, I don't want whatever it's offering.
Nothing from the mainstream life has quenched my soul thirst.
Nothing compared to the Man who, for me, let His heart burst.
After all this time it's hit me that I have all I need.
My beloved Savior--O how He means all the world to me!
So I don't care wether I'm prosperous or poor;
For I trust in the Lord God now and forevermore.
I suppose, to many, I'm not normal, but I'm at rest and I"m happy.
I've been free from meaningless strving and painful anxiety.
Because I have truly found all that I actually need;
And being under the shadow of the cross is a blessing indeed!