"I Guess Yeen Laughing Now"
-It was all fun and games. That is, till you were immediately yanked forward in the plane from your seat, bleeding as you crashed your skull against the one before you while gliding downward, falling out of the sky headed right toward the face of the earth at a speed that promised you you would die once the nose of the plane and the earth's terrain met ending your life in excruciating pain...
It was all fun and games, till you received that phone call from your doctor shooting the bad news that your last dude's last deuce was chock full of an STD the condom somehow allowed to pass through...and you. You're now contaminated with the same disease in that guy, and not only that but your souls are tied, and so now I just have two questions; WHY? And was the sex worth you now slowly having to die?...
You know, it's so easy to laugh at God nowadays. The respect for Him lowers with each generation it seems. I mean look; we even got out all these comedic memes. But I'm warning y'all now to stop, cause my God is not mocked.
It's all fun and games. Until you're trapped in your shame cause the God you never believed in actually came and snatched up the ones who you once mocked and now you're just left with what you thought to be the truth when really it was a lie and I'm telling you now you can go ahead and try but the knowledge you have won't allow you to fly and meet up again with your loved ones who actually were saved and now being raptures into the sky...I tried. Sent you so many warnings yet you continued to disagree saying, "Denzel please don't start preaching to me cause you know I'm young and I wanna have my fun and a Christian is NOT what I plan to be"...now you're left behind and all you can say is, "Denzel I wish I listened to you that day! But now you're gone and I'm left lonely only with Satan here continuously offering to comfort and hold me..."...
It was all fun and games. As they laughed at your jokes you even took a bow,
But since you're left behind, I guess Yeen laughing now...
Please. Get right with God, or get left with Satan...