I Dream of a Job
I dream of a job where I'll make a difference.
And I've already found it.
I didn’t really work there, not in the sense that I had a badge and a uniform.
But I had a schedule and a partner and a task.
I was an intern at the local police station.
I spent 135 hours doing something meaningful.
Okay not really doing police work, but learning how to do it.
It was the best thing I’ve ever done and cannot wait to do it again.
I dream of returning to the job where I made a difference.
I know I cannot change the world,
But isn’t making the world better for one person enough?
I’ll try to help people every day and I’ll make a difference in their lives.
Whether it’s the woman whose purse was stolen,
The man whose dog ran away, the couple whose fights scare the neighbors,
Or even the little boy out shooting hoops that Boss stopped to say hi to,
I will make a difference every shift.
It’s dangerous, stressful and will probably keep me up at night.
Mom will worry, the hours are long and you can never let your guard down.
But it is my dream.
I’ll protect the public and my partners, the cops I know have a unique sense of humor and coffee was invented for a reason!
I’ll be able to defend myself (even against my big brothers), saving lives is time well spent and I’ll learn a lot of practical jokes!
This job isn’t for everyone; there was a time I didn’t think it was for me,
But it is my dream and I will never back down, watch from the sidelines or stand by as someone gets hurt.
It is a job where I can be me and get paid for it too.
I am a future police officer and I will follow my dream.